Browsing: Water


Regional councils are often opting to create their own expensive, customised, and single-use freshwater models to help them make decisions when they could potentially be saving time and money adapting already existing models, a new report says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Freshwater modelling can help councils make decisions such as how much water to take from a source, but councils are taking an uncoordinated approach to using them, says a new report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Continue →

As the government moves to roll out new Local Water Done Well legislation by mid-2025 after repealing the previous government’s Three Waters legislation, the future is uncertain for local councils echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Future of Northland’s $1.8 billion Three Waters assets under the spotlight By Susan Botting, Local Democracy Reporter Northland Northland’s council wastewater, stormwater and drinking water provision for more than 150,000 people had been in the process of shifting off the books of Whangārei District Council (WDC), Far North District Council (WDC) and Kaipara District Council (KDC) and Auckland Council. Continue →

An independent review into Wellington Water, the company which manages water assets on behalf of five of the Region’s councils, has identified several opportunities to improve its performance echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Carried out by FieldForce4, the independent review was initiated by a resolution of Wellington City Council’s Long-term Plan Finance and Performance Committee. Continue →

New research has revealed the sheer scale of the work needed for New Zealand to achieve its water quality targets and what areas need the greatest effort echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); The research, funded by Our Land and Water, evaluates the current state of four contaminants (nitrogen, phosphorus, Escherichia coli, and sediment) in rivers, lakes, and estuaries across Aotearoa New Zealand. Continue →

A major stormwater upgrade is taking place at Auckland Airport following floods at the facility earlier this year echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); More than three kilometres of stormwater pipes are going in the ground under Auckland Airport’s new airfield development. Continue →

New Zealand will cope more efficiently with torrential weather and record rainfall if it embraces technology faster, the NZ IoT Alliance executive director Alison Mackie says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Much of New Zealand has seen record rainfall this year as mother nature makes herself known. Continue →

Three waters reform threatens councils’ vital role as leaders in placemaking and community wellbeing outcomes, Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) says in its submission on the Water Services Legislation Bill and Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill Local government agrees how we deliver three waters services to New Zealanders must change. Continue →

The National Party says it will scrap the Government’s Three Waters Reforms, but its alternative plan just puts more pressure on already struggling councils echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Boil water notices, e-coli alerts at beaches and inadequate stormwater infrastructure — there is no question that the way water services are managed in this country need to change. Continue →

Recent flooding in the North Island has decimated huge crops of fruit and vegetables, demonstrating the need for New Zealand to better mitigate the impacts of climate change – water management is a significant part of this, IrrigationNZ Chief Executive Vanessa Winning says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Water capture and storage is a proven way to reduce the destructive effects of flooding by regulating the water flow and volume into vulnerable areas. Continue →

Whatever new system we adopt, public health and environmental needs have to be kept as a central focus to reduce the risk of another crisis like the Havelock North campylobacter outbreak, University of Otago Professor Michael Baker says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Clean drinking water and effective sewage disposal (sanitation) is fundamental to public health, so much so that we take them for granted. Continue →

Water restrictions in New Zealand’s biggest city may soon be a thing of the past as Watercare starts work on a new 45-million-litre reservoir echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Aiming to boost the resilience of Auckland’s water supply, Watercare has completed its first of four concrete floor pours for a third reservoir at the Redoubt Road Reservoir Complex. Continue →

A Three Waters reform proposal by the mayors of Auckland, Christchurch and Waimakiriri, offers a legitimate and more logical alternative to the multi-layered complexity we have seen so far, Civil Contractors New Zealand Chief Executive Alan Pollard says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); The simplicity of the proposal is a refreshing change – it is simple, practical, clear, accessible, and still addresses issues around good management of water assets. Continue →

Some have praised the Government for running with the majority of recommendations made by the Three Waters Working Group while others are demanding the co-governance scheme is stopped now before it is too late echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); The Government has ruled out other solutions to New Zealand’s water issues and is dead set on creating four publicly owned water entities. Continue →

The average New Zealander uses 281.8 litres of water per day but that varies hugely in different parts of the country, where usage can be as high as 800 litres, a Water New Zealand report finds echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Water New Zealand has published their latest annual water services assessment, the National Performance Review and has found large regional variations in the amount of water households use, as well as what they are charged across the country. Continue →

It is time the world wakes up to the pivotal role of improved water management in achieving Paris Agreement goals, Water Policy Group consultant Anthony Slatyer says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Increasing evidence suggests that unsustainable water and wastewater management is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Continue →

echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0);New studies under Three Waters Reform Programme predict up to $185 billion is required in the next 30 years to get our drinking water, stormwater, and sewage infrastructure up to standard Work is already underway on a proposal to trim the country’s 67 water service providers – owned and managed by councils currently – into a small set of providers. Continue →

echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0);A new multimillion-dollar public wetland will improve water quality in South Auckland waterways and support endangered native wildlife The constructed wetland at the 361 hectare Drury South Crossing subdivision, the country’s largest industrial and residential development, is designed to improve water quality in the area. Continue →

The Taskforce has put forward a 40-page report to Wellington City Council that was approved by unanimous decision   In early March 2020 Wellington Mayor Andy Foster convened a diverse group of 13 individuals, from mana whenua, business, community and local Council to form a Mayoral Taskforce: Three Waters. Continue →
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