
How are cities responding to extreme weather?

Weather events are becoming more unpredictable, more intense and more damaging, posing huge challenges in both preparing for and recovering from their growing impact, says Jeremy Kelly, Global Director of Cities Research at JLL echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); From extreme heat across southern Europe to the heaviest rainfall on record in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, to flooding in Brazil and cyclones devastating parts of southern Africa, cities face unprecedented physical risks. Continue →

Building a 15,000km cable from Australia to Chile

A request for proposals to construct the Humboldt Cable has been issued, which looks to connect with cable systems across Asia and to other countries and territories including New Zealand echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Desarrollo País and H2 Cable are looking to begin construction of the estimated 15,000 km Humboldt Cable, the first to connect Latin America, the Asia Pacific and Oceania. Continue →


Construction firms itching to work after Budget 2024

Civil Contractors New Zealand welcomes the clarity of the government’s future infrastructure funding plans provided by Budget 2024, but warns projects and work programmes may still be too far in the future, and immediate stimulus is needed to sustain the industry echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Chief Executive Alan Pollard says while the budget provided much-needed clarity about the future work programme, and the government should be congratulated for its focus on delivering infrastructure, urgency was needed to bring work to restore confidence to the market, so infrastructure constructors could be ready to go when projects – both large and small – came online. Continue →

Commerce Commission urged to promote energy efficiency

The Commerce Act clearly states that the Commerce Commission must promote incentives for energy efficiency, but is failing to do so and letting down consumers, Ecobulb Managing Director Chris Mardon says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Despite the clear direction in government legislation, the Commission does nothing to encourage energy efficiency which could reduce consumers’ bills. Continue →


Emissions Trading Scheme underperforming

The impact of New Zealand’s main tool to reduce emissions could be improved if five sectors were better regulated, according to a new study echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); University of Auckland researchers say New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is being let down by five critical sectors. Continue →
Local Government

Central government keeping local councils down

As many councils around the country implement record rates rises, the Government has rejected helpful recommendations from a report supported by the infrastructure sector, which called for less centralisation and stronger local government echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Local Government Minister Simeon Brown has concluded the Future for Local Government Review and confirmed that the Coalition Government will not be responding to the review’s recommendations which were released last year. Continue →

Training & Management

Report released on KiwiRail train derailment

KiwiRail needs to fix problems with its systems and training for responding to foul weather and stay up to date with how well third parties maintain their waterways in the rail corridor, the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); A new report on a train derailment in stormy weather near Te Puke, Bay of Plenty, in January 2023, identifies systemic safety issues. Continue →

Waste Management

Waste-to-energy plant for Auckland’s rubbish moves closer

A proposed Kaipara-based $730 million waste to energy incinerator to burn Auckland’s rubbish and produce electricity could be operational by 2028 By Susan Botting, Local Democracy Reporter Northland echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0);Artist’s impression of the proposed waste to energy plant in Waimate, south Canterbury that SIRRL has been pushing to build since 2021. Continue →

Councils need not reinvent the water wheel

Regional councils are often opting to create their own expensive, customised, and single-use freshwater models to help them make decisions when they could potentially be saving time and money adapting already existing models, a new report says echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0); Freshwater modelling can help councils make decisions such as how much water to take from a source, but councils are taking an uncoordinated approach to using them, says a new report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Continue →