News from our Content Partners

Low-cost ways to grow Auckland’s infrastructure
A new report highlights the opportunities that Auckland’s population density offers for reducing infrastructure costs for New Zealand, says Te Waihanga (New Zealand Infrastructure Commission) Chief Executive Geoff Cooper
Statistics New Zealand’s population projections show that Auckland is expected to grow nearly 30% over the next 25 years, so it’s crucial we figure out ways to reap the benefits of population density when it comes to providing infrastructure services like our water, electricity, hospitals, schools and roads. Continue →

Building a 15,000km cable from Australia to Chile
A request for proposals to construct the Humboldt Cable has been issued, which looks to connect with cable systems across Asia and to other countries and territories including New Zealand
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Desarrollo País and H2 Cable are looking to begin construction of the estimated 15,000 km Humboldt Cable, the first to connect Latin America, the Asia Pacific and Oceania. Continue →

The construction employers shaping the sector’s future
BCITO has announced the winners of the 2024 Building Leaders Awards, celebrating outstanding BCITO employers in the trades who are helping build the future leaders of tomorrow’s construction sector. Continue →

Is there a future in carbon capture technology?
Stubbornly high costs and performance issues threaten the prospects for carbon capture and storage (CCS), according to the Institute for Energy Economic and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
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In just two years, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has halved its outlook for fossil fuel use in association with CCS by 2040 and 2050 in its Net Zero Emissions (NZE) scenario. Continue →

Using building materials for carbon storage
Switching up our building materials could store more than 16 billion tonnes of CO2 annually, according to a new study in Science
A team of US researchers calculated that fully replacing conventional building materials in new infrastructure with CO2-storing alternatives could store as much as 16.6 billion tonnes of CO2 each year—roughly half of human-caused CO2 emissions in 2021. Continue →

What councils need most in 2025
Councils across the country had some of their most challenging conversations around the table last year, as they balance the need to protect ratepayer’s long-term interests with the financial sustainability of councils, Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) President Sam Broughton writes
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Looking ahead to 2025, we all know the long list of actions that central government is asking of local government. Continue →

Learnings from Victoria on infrastructure delivery
‘Delivery efficiency’ is an abstract phrase, but an infrastructure consultancy boss says it boils down to using tools and techniques to do things better and remove waste from projects or programmes
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Whether it’s a level crossing removal, rail upgrade, new road, or water plant, one thing is more exciting than anything else for WSP’s Wellington-based director of strategic advisory, Hunter Dean – delivery efficiency. Continue →

Are we getting the most out of a $5.5 billion rail project?
New Zealand’s largest infrastructure project, the City Rail Link (CRL), is expected to open in 2026, but there are things we could be doing now to maximise the value of our investment, Malcolm McCracken writes in Better things are possible
The CRL will be an exciting step forward for Auckland, delivering better access to the City Centre, increased network capacity and more frequent trains across the network. Continue →

Waste-to-energy plant for Auckland’s rubbish moves closer
A proposed Kaipara-based $730 million waste to energy incinerator to burn Auckland’s rubbish and produce electricity could be operational by 2028
By Susan Botting, Local Democracy Reporter Northland
echo adrotate_group(33, 0, 0, 0);Artist’s impression of the proposed waste to energy plant in Waimate, south Canterbury that SIRRL has been pushing to build since 2021. Continue →

Region plagued with water restrictions investigates massive dam
A bid to build a dam in the shadow of the failed Ruataniwha dam in Central Hawke’s Bay has been given a $3 million injection from the Government
By Linda Hall, Local Democracy Reporter
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The money will be used to find out if the massive project to store water on the Makaroro River is viable – commercially, environmentally and technically. Continue →