New global resource for local councils


The Atlas for Cities is a free online community which provides a space for local government leaders to view case studies from around the world, see what trends are out there and to source solutions

The Atlas has a sole vision to make cities smarter, safer and more sustainable. City officials must work quickly and therefore this space provides fast access to valuable information.

Co-Founder and Executive Vice-President Elle Hempen says the Atlas for Cities is part of the everyday learning experience for local government leaders.

“We are part of problem identification, solution identification, and that means we have unique insight into the parts and the minds and the problems that individual local governments are prioritising and individual government decision makers are prioritising.

“This allows us to not only provide valuable information to our local government community, but on the back end we can track trends, track buying patterns and provide real time market intelligence that is missing right now” 

Hempen founded the company with two other former Government officials, Ellory Monks and Angela Murrell.

They saw a problem and saw an easy fix, she says.

“It’s not easy to build or easy to execute but it’s a pretty straight forward fix.”

The company provides a platform for residents and local governments to work together efficiently and effectively to make their cities smarter. These three women are the creaters of a highly innovative community. 

The Atlas helps 1,000+ city officials each month find creative solutions to urban problems that have been proven in other communities around the world and has facilitated more than 3,000 new relationships to help cities jumpstart progress on the ground. 



To find out more about Atlas for Cities head to: 
